Gaming studios in Lithuania are growing and looking for new opportunities to boost their creative ideas. One of them is the support of the state and the European Union to the representatives of creative industries. Although there is a lot of public information about it, as claimed by game developers, is not always clear and detailed and sometimes the procedure for seeking the support seems to be too complicated for businesses. To avoid inconvenience and to make better use of European support, we have arranged a seminar for the gaming industry Business Financing Instruments for the Gaming Industry in Kaunas Science and Technology Park on 24th of January.
Game developers have become familiar with the current calls of the Lithuanian Business Support Agency to apply for business finance. Although there are no specialized business support tools for the gaming industry, we have discussed the possibility of support for all creative industries. Game studios, often uniting a variety of creators from scriptwriters to programmers, as representatives of other industries, can benefit from the existing EU funds support instruments for business.
During the discussion, the representatives of the companies emphasized the special need for specialized consultations in the fields of marketing and sales. Lithuanians need a lot of work and extra capacity to market their products. “In this case, gaming studies need to attract as many customers as possible. With growing interest and volume of game sales both in global gaming studios and small team hubs, as well as competition in the international gaming industry market, remains high, so there is a constant need for new knowledge in sales and targeted advertising, ”notes Jurgita ŠarkienÄ—, international project coordinator from Kaunas Science and Technology Park.
Kaunas Science and Technology Park together with Lithuanian Innovation Center are partners in the project Baltic Game Industry by Interreg BSR programme, which aims to intensify the growth of the gaming industry and international partnership in the Baltic Sea region.